William F. Ogburn Career Achievement Award

2017 CITAMS William F. Ogburn Career Achievement Award

Winners: Dr. Gary T. Marx, MIT (Emeritus),  Senior Career Award;  Dr. Jennifer Earl, Professor, The University of Arizona, Mid-Career Award

2017 Call for Nominations

CITAMS William F. Ogburn Career Achievement Award

The award recognizes a sustained body of research that has provided an outstanding contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the area of sociology of communication, media, and/or information technology.  Award winners will be invited to serve on future award committees. Normally, award nominees will have been CITAMS members at some point in their careers to be considered for this award. Mid-career and self-nominations are welcome. Materials may include a letter of nomination and a copy of the nominee’s CV.

Send nominations to all committee members by March 1, 2017.

Andrea Tapia (atapia@ist.psu.edu)
Sheila Cotten (cotten@msu.edu)
Wenhong Chen (wenchen2006@gmail.com)
Deana Rohlinger (drohling@fsu.edu)

Previous Award Winners

2016 Shelia Cotten, Michigan State University (Senior Career)
and Wenhong Chen, University of Texas at Austin (Mid Career)

2015 Grant Blank, Oxford Internet Institute

2014  William Dutton, Oxford Internet Institute

2013 Judy Wajcman, The London School of Economics and Political Science

2012 Ron Anderson, Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota

2011 James E. Katz, Rutgers University

2010 John Robinson, University of Maryland

2009 Elihu Katz, Annenberg School of Communication and the Hebrew University

2008 William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation

2007 David Lyon, Queen’s University

2006 Manuel Castells, University of Southern California

2004 Barry Wellman, University of Toronto

2003 Caroline Hodges Persell, New York University